Light One Candle with Yaakov “Trek” Reef
At Framingham UU, 24 Vernon Street Framingham, MA
In-person and online
Hanukkah is happening this week. I’d like to offer some thoughts on light and darkness as we say goodbye to 2024 and prepare for 2025.
Yaakov “”Trek”” Reef (he/they) is a guide, student, and teacher of wilderness spirituality, an Earthodox Rabbi, and a Unitarian Universalist Ministerial Aspirant. His work includes leading workshops, directing retreats, and serving as a guest in the pulpit at churches, synagogues, and meeting houses throughout the Northeast. Trek is an NAI Certified Interpretive Guide, a SOLO Certified Wilderness First Responder, an ANFT Certified Forest Therapy Guide, and pursuing a Master of Divinity at Meadville Lombard Theological School. He currently serves as a Prison Chaplain Intern at the Middlesex House of Correction.