Have you included First Parish of Sudbury in your will or estate plan? If so, we’d love to know about it so we can thank you! Knowing your plans allows us to express our gratitude and ensures your gift will ultimately be used as you intend.
If you have not yet considered making a legacy gift to FPS, we invite you to consider joining our many members who have included FPS in their charitable gift and estate planning. Consider the benefits: The satisfaction of knowing your gift will support the ministry of our beloved congregation well into the future!
To inform us about your bequest CLICK HERE.
To learn more about Legacy Giving/Planned Gifts, please CLICK HERE.
Thank you so much for making the future of First Parish a priority!
Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions.
Contact Fred Pryor or Steve Ziobrowski or the FPS Office.
If you are considering making a legacy gift, please consult your own qualified financial advisor and/or attorney as you make your legacy plans.