THANK YOU for Supporting First Parish!

Thank you to those of you who have returned your pledge cards with generous commitments! First Parish is grateful for your support!

If you have not yet made a pledge, kindly do so by Friday, March 29, 2024.

Your generosity plays a crucial role in our success. With rising costs and expanded needs, please consider increasing your pledge this year. Your pledge will support our staff and building maintenance, as well as strengthen our mission to reach out to one another and the world with love and compassion. Keep First Parish The Good Place!

As you consider your FY 25 (June 2024-June 2025) pledge, take some time to think about how First Parish is your Good Place!

Additional Ways to Send in Your Pledge

  • Mail your pledge card (sent to you by mail with a self-addressed return envelope) to First Parish of Sudbury, 327 Concord Road, Sudbury, MA 01776
  • Pledge card: CLICK HERE for a printable copy of the pledge card.