First Parish invites the community to join us for our lay-led summer services on Sundays at 10 am.

Join us for Bees 101 with Lizza Smith.
When most folks think about bees, they think about honeybees and delicious honey. But there’s a lot more to the story. Did you know there are 390 species of native bees just in Massachusetts? Did you know that honeybees are 1. not native to our area and 2. only capable of supporting two species: humans and themselves? The rest of the native bee gang supports thousands of species of flora and fauna in the ecological diversity web. The bad news? Some of the native bee populations are in perilous decline. The good news? You can do something about it. And, more good news? It’s easy, cheap, and fun to do! Come learn more about some native bees, and how you can help them out just by stewarding your tiny piece of planet, your yard, patio, or even just your front stoop.
In-person or online.