Michelle Cote, RE Director
I am so excited to begin the year as your new Director of Religious Exploration! I look forward to meeting all of the children, youth and parents this month. There will be Religious Education programming offered every Sunday.
Sunday, September 11
We have a very special multi-generational service planned where children and youth will remain in the sanctuary. We will be taking part in the water communion and ending with a very special ritual for all children at the end of the service with me so we can get to know each other.
Sunday, September 18
The children will begin in the sanctuary and after lighting a special lantern with the light of our chalice, leave to take part in our Religious Exploration program. This month we will be focusing on “Building on our Principles.” This curriculum will be a multi-aged program that will include building, art, and games. This Sunday we will play some creative games and plan out the next few weeks. Come join us for lots of fun!!
Sunday, September 25
The children will begin in the Sanctuary and after lighting a special lantern with the light of our chalice, leave to take part in our RE program. This week we will be doing an exploration of our seven principles by creating either in art, writing, or another format a personal principles project. This is suited to all ages and all are welcome. Can’t wait to see the creativity happen!