Saturday, May 7, 2022
3-5 pm
Join us for a Spring Garden Party!

We’ll gather outside for a fun afternoon filled with food and beverages, silent and live auctions. There will be children’s programming, so plan to bring the family. (In the event of bad weather, we’ll move into the Parish Hall.)
Tickets $10 in advance; $15 at the door
R.S.V.P. to:
What Shall I Donate to the Auction?
Some of the best items are those donated by First Parish members and friends! Wondering what to donate this year? The possibilities are endless: pool parties, cookouts, and dinners are always a hit, and they keep the fun going throughout the year. Maybe you’d like to host a cookout this summer or a dinner party in the fall—or even a cocoa and cookies party next winter. Perhaps a hike in your favorite spot, followed by a picnic? Do you knit, sew, or garden? Or have some other skill or hobby that you’d like to share—landscape design, pruning, mending, dinner delivered to the winning bidder’s house. You can make your online donation by simply emailing with a description and suggested minimum bid. (If you aren’t sure about the amount, we will help you decide.)
What Else Should I Know About Donating?
There are just a couple of things to remember…Ø We do not accept artwork or previously owned items. Ø Your item should support a minimum bid of $25. The winning bid for the item will almost certainly be higher. The minimum bid amount is the place to start the bidding. Ø The last day to submit donations is Saturday, April 30. How Can I Volunteer? Getting ready for and helping out at the Auction is a great way to reconnect or get to know folks. The Auction Team needs help with setting up in the morning on May 7 and putting away chairs and tables after the Auction ends. We’d also love to have you share your favorite desserts. It’s easy to sign up here. Just select the task you’d like to help with and the time slot, if applicable.
See you at the Auction!