Sunday, September 13 – Homecoming Sunday

Rev. Marjorie looks forward to welcoming you to our online* Homecoming Service on Sunday, September 13, at 10 am.

It is our tradition on Homecoming Sunday to share in a water ritual. Like in past years, we will collect water from the places that have meant so much to us over the summer—streams, lakes, rivers, ponds, garden hoses—or even from summer rainfall. If you would like to share your water for the ritual, please label it with your name and drop it off at First Parish by Sunday, September 6. Rev. Marjorie will collect the water and add it to our special water ritual bowl during the Homecoming service.

*Due to ongoing COVID-19 concerns, and with the guidance of the FPS COVID Task Team, we will continue to conduct our weekly services online at least through September, when we will once again reassess. We will meet for Sunday services, including milestones, announcements, and a time of conversation, in a Zoom meeting, accessible via our website.

To view this week’s order of worship, click here.