Saturday, April 4 – Spring Service Auction

The Service Auction Kick Off is Saturday, April 4 at 6:00pm!

We will be conducting the service auction online with – more details to follow. Steve Ziobrowski and Rob Kinslow will be doing an live kickoff presentation.

What shall I look for at the auction?

Some of the best items are those donated by First Parish members and friends! Wondering what to donate this year? The possibilities are endless: pool parties, cookouts, and dinners are always a hit and they keep the fun going throughout the year. Maybe you’d like to host a cookout this summer or a dinner party in the fall, or even a Super Bowl party next February. Do you knit, sew, or garden? Or have some other skill or hobby that you’d like to share – landscape design, pruning, mending, dinner delivered to the winning bidder’s house.

What happens at the auction?

For decades, the auction has been the premier social event for First Parish … the evening began at 6:00 with appetizers, wine, beer, and soft drinks while we perused and bid on silent auction items. A buffet supper was served and followed by a lively verbal auction! NOT THIS YEAR – 2020 will be different.

If you bought an auction ticket, you will be refunded, or, you can apply the price towards your auction splurges.

See you at the VIRTUAL auction on April 4th and the auction social event next fall.