All who are interested are welcome to come on Saturday, February 15 at 10am when the Spirituality Book Group is meeting to discuss A Significant Life by Todd May, suggested to Tom by Oliver WIllett.
“In A Significant Life, May has produced a tour de force. It is a thoughtful, subtle, beautifully written discussion of what it takes to live a meaningful life. A careful study of this book will tell you what it takes to make life worth living. It is refreshing to encounter someone worrying about such a big question in the small-minded times we live in, and an absolute joy to discover that he may actually have provided an answer.”
(Barry Schwartz, author of The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less)
On 12/21 Leslie, Bridget, Fran and Tom had a good discussion of Walden by Henry David Thoreau. We then chose A Significant Life as our next book and decided to switch the group from an every month schedule to a two month schedule to give people more time to obtain and read the book. So we will skip January and hope to see you Saturday Feb 15, at 10am, in the Brackett room.
For more information, contact Tom Yelton or Leslie Lowe.
To see some of our past readings click here.