Would you like to know more about First Parish of Sudbury and Unitarian Universalism? The Community and Hospitality Committee (CHC) is hosting a Getting Acquainted gathering on Saturday, November 16, 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. in the Brackett Room. CHC invites anyone – relative newcomer or longer-term friend or member – to come to this gathering.
Do you want to know more about groups and activities at First Parish of Sudbury? How could you become connected to them? Would you like to be more familiar with the layout of the buildings? What are the names of various rooms and where are they located?
Perhaps you would like to know more about Unitarian Universalism, in general, or how it is embraced at First Parish of Sudbury. What does it mean to become a member of a non-creedal church?
We would like to know you are interested and will be joining us. Please R.S.V.P. to Sheila Davison (). Of course, childcare is available. Just please let us know no later than Tuesday, November 12, if you would like someone to entertain your children during this gathering.