2019 Summer Services

Sunday June 16 – August 25, 2019

10:00am worship, 9:30 “nibbles”

(Worship Hosts and Speakers click here for a Guide and Sample Scripts.)

During the summer months, we offer worship services in The Commons, a lovely air-conditioned room on the second floor, accessible by stairs or elevator. All are very welcome. We hope you will join us.

Summer services cover a wide range of topics and are a little more informal than the rest of the year. The diversity of styles and themes is rich and stimulating. Prior to the service, we gather for breakfast “nibbles” and conversation.

Our summer services depend on volunteers from within as well as outside of our congregation.
Thanks to all who make these services possible.

A blue sign up board will be in the Parish Hall on Sunday’s through June 11, and in The Commons thereafter.

You may also sign up by contacting the office: 

16-JunDave AndrewsThe Drunkard’s WalkMike TyoAndrewsMarion Tratnyek
23-JunJune HopkinsGenealogy – Voice in Your BloodDave AndrewsJune Hopkins Fran Sharp
7-JulTom YeltonWhat Is Church For? – A DialogueLeslie Bryant Lane Williamson, Don Stein
14-JulFred PryorThe Financial Social WorkerDon Stein Sheila Davison
21-JulLeslie BryantMy Year of No ShoppingLeslie BryantLeslie BryantLane Williamson, Don Stein
28-JulMarion TratnyekSummers on the Farm Peg EspinolaBettie Rose
4-AugEarth Centered GroupLughnasadh!(Lammas)Carolyn LeeLeslie Lowe (organizer)Earth Centered group
11-AugSeth KaplanWhat Is It About Guns?Mike Tyo Amy Prince
18-AugLane WilliamsonGod of DirtGail HardenberghCarolyn Lee & Sarah HartmanSheila Davison
25-AugGroup ledPoetry jam  Susan Stocker & George Duval & Pat

This webpage will be updated by the Summer Services coordinators as the spaces are filled.