Women’s Alliance meeting and potluck June 11

Greetings women of First Parish

You are ALL encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting of the First  Parish Women’s Alliance

    to be held as a potluck in the Commons on June 11, starting at 6:30 with business meeting to follow. We try to be done by 8:30pm.

As usual our potlucks are bring whatever — prepared by you or purchased.  Or if you don’t have time, just COME!  we always have enough.

At this annual meeting, in addition to good friendship and good food, we will:

1) vote on the re-election of the Executive Committee, all of whom have agreed to serve another year.  These are: AnnMarie Lanza and Sara Hartman, co-chairs; Peg Espinola, Secretary; and Carolyn Lee, treasurer.  If anyone else wishes to take  on a leadership role for any event or in general, please speak up!  We need more help.  And exec comm meetings are one of the best tea parties in town!

2) hear annual treasurer’s report

3) discuss program planning for next fall and meeting dates.  (your treasurer is recommending the 10th instead of this year’s 11th for our regular date)

{This past year our default date has been the 11th of the month, picked because few fell on Friday or Saturday.  Some prior years it was the 8th.  We don’t meet on a fixed day of the month, because that ends up meaning some women can never come.  This way the problem of date conflicts rotates.}

4) discuss our 1-day (November 2nd or 9th?)  and weekend retreat (May 1-3 @ Wisdom House) for next year — ideas for leaders/ topics. 

5) decide on the annual rummage sale date (April 18 or 25?).  do we have a co-chair?


We usually meet on the settled date of the month for September and October.  In November the 1-day retreat is held.  In December we have our annual holiday open house.  In January, February and March we have meetings, hopefully with programs — weather permitting.  In April we have our rummage sale and in May we have the weekend retreat.  Then comes June and annual meeting again.

No RSVP is required.  Please plan to come.  If you need a ride, please contact any member of the Exec Committee.