Valerie Tratnyek reported that $191,845 in pledges have been made so far. More were expected in the coming week. The Treasurer presented the quarterly reported which indicated that the income received from the plate is lower than expected, but the rental from tha SED is at 96%. Terry Lockhart will be scheduling a meeting with MassSave to determine ways to cut our utility costs. Chad Trexler reported that a Powerpoint presentation of the findings of the Strategic Planning results has been completed. Presentations of these findings will be held on Sunday March 7 and 14 after church. The current Administrator (Fran Sharp) will be asked to prioritize her current tasks. The thought is that her current job will become two separate position. The Board voted to move the Annual Meeting from June 2 to June 9 to accommodate the Minister’s return to the pulpit on June 2. The Board discussed how to accommodate the AA and other groups during the summer. The Parish Hall should be available during the renovation.