Regular monthly potluck dinner and meeting, Monday March 18, 6:30 p.m. in the Commons. A true potluck—bring whatever you like, homemade or store-bought is fine. We are very pleased to offer a speaker, Jade Sylvan, a Harvard Divinity School intern at the Unitarian Universalist Association in charge of LGBTQ+ issues and a member of TRUUsT, or Trans Religious professional Unitarian Universalists Together. Jade can help us understand the ever-evolving world of gender identity diversity as it relates to our denomination.
The April 13 Rummage Sale is the one annual Alliance fundraiser which raises money to fund grants for many important church projects. It is really a family event in that all genders help us to put it on, and kids can even help by determining what toys they have outgrown and would like to contribute to the sale. It is also part of our church’s outreach to the greater community, as you can see if you come on sale day.
Here are some Important Rummage Sale dates:
Sunday, April 7, after church, is the first date you can start bringing your rummage to the Hudson Road vestibule.
Wednesday, April 10 we will set up tables in the morning and start sorting. From that date on you can bring bags of rummage into the Parish Hall.
Friday, April 12—please get all rummage into the church by about 4—noon would be better!
Saturday, April 13—the sale commences at 9:30 a.m. and is over at 1:30 p.m.
What we want (and don’t want):
(1) Clothes you are tired of but are clean and in good condition—no mustiness, rips or stains. Imagine that your name is sewed into them!
(2) housewares—please be sure kitchen stuff and dishes do not come to us with food still on them! Small electric appliances are ok if they work. We do not, however, take electronics.
(3) linens, in good condition. Also fabrics. Craft supplies. Sporting goods if they are small enough to fit into a grocery bag.* (contact Peg Espinola for exceptions for the “outside the bag” boutique)
(4) Small decorative objects. We do sell pictures that don’t fit in a bag. Office supplies you imagine someone could want. (not junk!) Stationery. Cards.
(5) Jewelry, unbroken.
(6) Toys, puzzles, games. Much in demand. (Also children’s books and clothes are much in demand.)
(7) Books, generally, except textbooks. No magazines. CDs are fine, and we are now taking non-classical vinyl records—pop, jazz or folk– as there is again a market for them. But no cassette or VHS tapes, sorry! Time marches on.
We are sorry that we cannot handle furniture. If you have any questions about anything, call Peg Espinola.
Save the date: Women’s Alliance Retreat, May 3-5, Wisdom House, Litchfield, CT. Kaeza Fearn will be our program leader; her topic is Caring for Our Inner Beings in Times of Flux. Registration forms are on the website. They will be available at the March 11 meeting, and in the office and front hall. Please let Carolyn Lee know if you did not get an email invitation.
As always any person who identifies as a woman and has a connection to our church (need not be a member) is welcome to participate in Alliance activities.