Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 18th, at 11: 30 AM. Immediately following social hour, we will gather in the Commons to hear a report from the Four Scenarios Task Force. We’ll be serving delicious soup during social hour, so plan to eat lunch and then head to the Commons.
Most folks know that, as part of the discussion to pass a deficit budget at the Annual Congregation Meeting (ACM) in June, 2018, the members passed a motion to form a task force that would develop four scenarios for the financial future of FPS, to be presented to the congregation.
With deficits in three of the past five years and a deficit budget this year, we know our current financial model is not sustainable. As evidenced by discussion at the ACM, the congregation wanted a comprehensive and thoughtful analysis of what drives FPS finances.
In September, the Task Force presented an interim report that showed historical data and trends. On the 18th, we will look at financial scenarios for the next five years, incorporating those trends and data, as well as changes that the congregation might make to our financial model.
The next step will be led by the Board of Trustees, who will establish a Strategic Planning Task Force that will develop a strategic plan. While the scenarios will show likely financial outcomes of various choices FPS might make, strategic planning will determine which actions we will take and how those decisions will be implemented.
Be sure also to check out the materials we have posted on the Village website: Scenarios Task Force Group. If you do not have a user name and password, please contact Jan Hardenbergh or Tom Yelton.
We would love to hear your thoughts and questions prior to November 18th. Please email us at .
Scenarios Task Force
Jan Hardenbergh (Chair), Alex Andrews, Sheila Davison, Sara Hartman, Susan Iuliano, Mark McNamee, Sheila Murphy