There is still time to sign up for the Women’s Alliance one-day retreat, which will take place on November 10, in the beautiful Fellowship Hall of the Harvard Unitarian Universalist Church.
We will start with coffee and tea, provided by the Alliance, and snacks to which all will contribute, at 9:30 a.m. The program will run from 10 to 12 with a break for lunch at 12, and resume from 1 to 3. Cost of the program is $25, which includes materials. We will each bring our own lunch or you may purchase a salad or sandwich at the deli across the street. Bring cash or preferably a check (Payable to: Women’s Alliance of 1st Parish Sudbury) to the retreat—you need not pay in advance, but we need to know if you are coming.
Carole McNamee will be our facilitator, who will lead us in a day of practicing “Compassionate Listening,” which is non-judgmental and non-adversarial, and was pioneered by Quaker peace activist Gene Knudsen Hoffman. Please contact AnnMarie Lanza to register, and let her know if you need, or could offer, a ride.