Welcome Winter, waning season;
Now with night the New Year comes.
All who honor elder kinsfolk
Dance the dead to earthly drums.
Souls respected safeguard living
House we’ll hold and hallow hearth;
Blessings be on those who bide here,
Blessings be on those who bide here
And indeed on all the Earth.~
by Leigh Ann Hussey
Samhain (pronounced Sow-inn) is the ancient Celtic New Year, the Last Harvest Festival and the onset of Winter, the Time the Veil between the Worlds is thinnest, whose traditions are echoed in our Halloween and All Souls’ Day.
We will celebrate the Celtic New Year by enacting a ritual inspired by Celtic myth. Myths are poetic statements of the life process. When we enact the myths in ritual, we enact our own growth and development, our passages. Children 12 and up are welcome at the ritual. Please reserve a spot for your younger children for childcare by Thursday, Oct 25 at noon. Please bring your favorite dish to share for the feast after the ritual. Costumes are socially correct.
Contacts Tom Yelton or Leslie Lowe (or contact the FPS office 978/443-2043) – for rides and about the childcare.