Sunday, Sept. 9: Homecoming and Community Potluck

Join us for our regular worship and program year beginning Sunday, September 9 at 10:00am for people of all ages. We welcome visitors! See our website for information about what to expect.

We will gather for Homecoming Sunday, an intergenerational service, which will feature our Water Ritual and after the service, we will continue the homecoming with our community potluck.

What to bring on September 9?

Yourselves, whole families, friends and neighbors. A tiny bit of water (actual or virtual) from your summer experiences. These can be collected waters from your travels, from your backyard kiddy pool, tears of joy or tears of sadness. They will be blended together with our waters from last year (which contain waters from all the years going back since we began this tradition decades ago!) Our water is used for baby dedications, blessings of marriages, visiting the sick, and other sacred purposes.

A salad, side dish or dessert (homemade or store bought) for the community potluck. Our Community and Hospitality Committee will provide us with grilled burgers, hot dogs, vegetarian burgers and drinks. Your renewed selves back to our community for a new year of worship, fun, celebration, fun, learning, fun, social action, and fun! We are looking forward to seeing you. Any questions, contact Fran Sharp, congregational administrator, in the office 978/443-2043 or .