Flower Communion, Bridging and Celebration Sunday

This Sunday is a culmination of a year’s worth of worship, work and commitment. It will be a very busy, fun-filled Sunday as we help our graduates celebrate their official entrance into young adulthood. This Sunday also marks our annual flower communion so please bring flowers to share. This Sunday is also the date for our annual picnic and ice cream social! Join us to celebrate and to imagine the warmer and sunnier days to come. This will be Rev. Marjorie last official Sermon until September. The summer services begin next week with the Rev. Judy Deutsch speaking.
Flowers–please bring one stem for each person in your family. This will be part of our flower communion during the service.
Food–a side dish if you can. Our Community and Hospitality Committee will be grilling meat and veggie burgers.
Come be part of this community celebration on the last Sunday before our summer services begin.