This Sunday, December 28, join First Parish of Sudbury as we welcome our neighbors from First Parish in Wayland and First Parish in Framingham. It is our tradition to worship together on this Sunday between Christmas and New Year. This year, the service will be in Sudbury (at 327 Concord Road) led by Roberta Altamari, Framingham’s interim Director of Religious Exploration (and Sudbury’s former DRE and current youth advisor). Roberta will lead our Unitarian Universalist sisters and brothers from the three congregations in a multigenerational journey exploring life transitions. With lessons learned from the interim training for religious professionals and insight from the Roman God Janus, Roberta promises that this service will be inspiring, thought provoking, and engaging for all ages. Whether it be congregational or personal changes, taking time to think, reflect, plan, and carefully consider our choices during times of transition can open us up to endless discoveries and wonderful new beginnings. Maya Angelou said, “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” Let’s celebrate the metamorphosis that each one of us might soon be welcoming and honor the steps it takes to reach our beautiful dreams.