Sunday, April 4 – Waking Up (Easter)

Ostara, a Pagan Holiday. Yes, it is also Easter, but the sacred rites of the “common countryfolk” were coopted over the last millennia to legitimize a “state religion.” How can we dare to seek the truth, those of us who live within the cycle of the year, openly...

Sunday, March 28 – Going Beyond

In the Christian calendar, this is a holy week filled with joy, suffering, and elation what do these stories offer non-Christian Unitarian Universalists? Can we engage, with the help of our own stories and rituals, to this week that contains Palm Sunday, suffering and...

Sunday, March 21 – Learning to Lean In

We have a choice when greeting the day: we can lean into it, or we can shift our attention elsewhere. How do we make the choice to lean in, and do we make the choice to do so mindfully? Let’s learn to shift the paradigm of our lives by leaning in when we feel like...

Sunday, March 14 – What Is Our Foundation?

How have we cemented our connection to the First Parish of Sudbury? What does it feel like to be stakeholders of a far-reaching and varied legacy? What is the personal payback for such a long-lasting commitment? Join Rev. Marjorie and the congregation of the First...