Summer Service: UUA General Assembly Live Worship – Fran Sharp

Join us  for live remote viewing of the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly worship service from Columbus, Ohio.  Hosted by Fran Sharp.

Have you ever been to the UU General Assembly (GA)? It is a moving, fun and thought-provoking experience. Being together in the Commons this Sunday, June 26, “with” all the other UUs at GA via live-streaming will be the next best thing to being in Columbus. Join us at 9:30 for nibbles. At 10am Fran Sharp will give an overview of GA and we can hear from our congregants who have attended GA before what their favorite memories are, and what has stayed with them. The live-streaming GA worship service will begin at 10:30.
Come celebrate being a UU. Wear your rainbow t-shirt, or any other UU gear that you wear proudly and that reminds you of your chosen faith.